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Cape Town City Tour
Cape Town City Tour
24 points 1.5 hours
A relaxed stroll through the historic sites of Cape Town's central district.
The city at the edge of the world still remembers the discriminatory apartheid regime, and there are gruesome stories. This is Cape Town, the capital of South Africa. If you're brave enough to take a stroll through the central district, this audio guide will help you find the main historical landmarks and tell you about Cape Town's importance to our world. Why were explorers afraid to round the Cape, even though the opening of a route to India was at stake? What did Cape Town's first settlers do? Why did they bring slaves to Africa when others were taking slaves from Africa? How were two new nations born in South Africa at once? You will learn how unique the path of this country has been since its beginning. And the audio guide will also tell you about the secret possession the Freemasons have in Cape Town, show you a political figure on a church stained glass window, and reveal the secret of what stockbrokers invested in before Tesla and Amazon stocks existed. Want to enjoy the atmosphere of a vibrant and modern African capital? Then download this audio guide.